Macro As below Press F1 to get the colour and coordinate of your mouse location Replace it with the values on my script U= RB R=LB Download #IfWinActive ahk_class LaunchUnrealUWindowsClient F1:: MouseGetPos, mouseX, mouseY PixelGetColor, color, %mouseX%, %mouseY%, RGB StringRight color,color,10 ; tooltip, %mouseX%,%mouseY% Col:%color% return Xbutton1:: #Persistent SetTimer, press2, 500 SetTimer, pressV, 200 SetTimer, pressB, 10 SetTimer, press4, 10 return press2: if ( GetColor(937,883)=="0x7B79A5" ) ;戒型锁 Soul Shackle { send 22 } return pressV: if (GetColor(1052,960)=="0x6AA8B6") ;Blue V 藍色死靈 { send v } return PressB: sendinput {4 down} sendinput {4 up} sendinput {u down} sendinput {u up} return Press4: sendinput {4 down} sendinput {4 up} return Xbutton1 UP:: SetTimer, press2, Off SetTimer, pressB, Off SetTimer, press4, Off SetTimer, pressV, Off Return $3...