WTFast , the best Online game accelerator
WTFast website: Register: 23788-5e5c86&tap_s=195017- 6698b3 How WTFast reduce the lag of games ? this is quote from WTF blog VPN Services and How They Reduce Lag By Eugene on September 22, 2012 12:01 AM | No Comments We've heard a lot about how VPN Services or Virtual Private Networks speed up games and how they can reduce lag when we're playing online. However, you might have asked, how do VPNs work? How do they reduce lag? What are Virtual Private Networks (VPN)? Basically, a VPN is a private network of computers. If authenticated/given access, a remote computer can connect through this private network via the internet. Also, VPNs can be used to connect two different networks. VPNs are secure and use security procedures such as encryption and tunneling protocols. How Do VPNs Reduce Lag? In MMOs or any other online games, your game data is transferred v...